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A member registered Oct 31, 2019

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which version of unity is this project made in?

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(1 edit)

ok i'm kurti256 i'll add you

(11 edits)

I have found a glitch on level 3 you can get stuck in the first room by jumping out the room then back in also what each of the ammo types do is rather confusing perhaps a small description (edit i just realised you need to click and hold on the ammo) and perhaps a tuturial or a way to know where the dash will send you other then that I can't find much for the moment (going back to dash maybe you could hold it and it'll hilight where you can go or maybe a different button can show that i'm not too sure i'll keep thinking)

edit 2: I found a mistake with the buck round description: what happens if you shove 8 hardened 22LR rounds into a shotgun shell?

It's a buckshot that gies right through enimies

edit 3: im not sure what happened but i got hit by the gernade in lv 3 while shooting and got this 

action number 1
of Create Event
for object obj_shrapnel_creator:

Variable obj_shrapnel_creator.edrain(100170, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_obj_shrapnel_creator_Create_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_shrapnel_creator_Create_0 (line -1)
called from - gml_Object_obj_gun_Mouse_50 (line -1) - <unknown source line>

edit 4: i'm noticing the ammotypes aren't compleatly balenced and in level 3 an enemiy glitched through the wall while the game was lagging an occasonally the dash with give you a slight height boost when you zoom in to the wall (not enough to worry about though)

edit 5: I found what caused the error at edit 3 it is what happens when I shoot while the zoom happens it also happens if i take damage while zooming i'm going to do more testing to see if this is what's causing it

edit 6: I found I have no idea what causes it but just before the crash it is when the zoom gives me height i'll keep looking in to it

edit 7: it doesn't appear to be caused by zooming it happended when I used the % bullet i'll keep testing 

edit 8: It happens everytime I kill with the bullet that does a lot of %health damage

edit 9: not sure if this is a glitch but everytime I use the homing rockets they do damage to me

edit 10: I can't clip out of bounds no matter how hard I try

edit 11: taking damage while shooting seems intentional for higher damage bullets makes sence but it tends to be inconsiquential or ends up in my death, level 3 seems impossable and i've seen more enimies clips through walls I still can't see how it is starting to happen on screen and the grenade that is ment to split in to three doesn't do so while on screen but due to the amount of enimies dieing I have to assume it does do so off screen

edit 12: the clipping in level 3 happens when an enimy is looking straight up and tries to jump up towards me while walking in to the wall both when it is lagging and when it isn't also I notied all of my shots do the same amount of damage to me whether they are strong or weak

ok should I give you my discord reddit instagram or something it might be a bit quicker to communicate i'm kinda an expert t finding bugs (mainly because i know a lot of ways code can fail from experiance XD)

I found a bug with the code when generating a river through a desert it makes grass there instead of grass (the path way started on grass)(i'm unsure if it'll happen to any other combination of biomes)

i'm not complaining but I remember you said you like suggestions : )

also i saw you were learning a bit of unity if you like i can try and teach you what i know but i don't really know much : )

I understand the problems tht may cause and for sharing files i suggest either trello google drive or dropbox depending on what you are going for and as for help honestly messy code isn't always bad but i do suggest adding a few comments and keeping it a bit neat so you understand what you were thinking where you were and where to go from there i'm also working on a game we even made our own subredit we just don't have a public version yet and don't know how to encript the files so it can't be pirated XD

sorry I don't have way to give money to help support the project but i'd love to help you code it if you like (i'm not exatly experinced though)